Survival Skills

How to Build a Permanent Shelter in the Wilderness

How to Build a Permanent Shelter in the Wilderness

Learn how to build a permanent shelter in the wilderness using materials you obtain from the wilderness. Our aim here is to show you easy to follow step by step guide on how you can build a permanent shelter at the campsite.

Fire Starting Methods: Pros and Cons

Fire Starting Methods: Pros and Cons

Of course, there are plenty of other fire-starting methods. For example, you can concentrate sunlight using a magnifying glass or glass elements extracted from a camera lens.

How to Make Improvised Pitch Glue

How to Make Improvised Pitch Glue

In a survival or grid-down situation, the ability to create glue can be invaluable. Glue can be used to bond together improvised weapons and tools, repair clothing and tarps, set traps, seal shelters, and more.

These 4 Knots May Save Your Life

These 4 Knots May Save Your Life

In any survival situation, the ability to work with cordage and rope can be the difference between life and death. Cord and rope is indispensable

9 Basic Survival Skills Everyone Should Know How to Do

9 Basic Survival Skills Everyone Should Know How to Do

These survival skills are not limited to preppers. Even ordinary people could find it difficult to make it out of a disaster without these survival skills. Imagine you are on a poorly traveled interstate express road and your car suddenly breaks down in the middle of nowhere.

9 Techniques for Catching Fish in a Survival Situation

9 Techniques for Catching Fish in a Survival Situation

But how can you catch fish if you have no fishing gear? Is it even possible?  The answer is yes, you can catch fish for sustenance. There many techniques for catching fish in a survival situation.

7 Military Skills to Learn for Survival

7 Military Skills to Learn for Survival

Would you not like to master these great skills? I bet you do. So, what are the best military skills you should learn to make it out alive in extreme conditions as the men and women in uniform?

7 Unique Ways to Find Water in the Wild

7 Unique Ways to Find Water in the Wild

Surviving even for a couple of days without water in the wilderness could be impossibility. Dehydration can kill you in just hours where temperatures are high. Thus finding water is one of the most basic and vital skills you must hone as a survivor.